Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Forty-one Days and Counting to Mid-Term Elections

I personally consider the up-coming election one of the most important in the nation’s history, because it will not only mark the political judgment of the people, but also their moral judgment of the Bush administration, and Republican dominated Congress and Senate. This election is critical for the following reasons; 1) it will either condone or rebuke the neo-con notion of preemptive invasion of foreign nations, 2) it will accept the status quo on the war against terror, or ask for a new war against terror based in a global approach that includes diplomacy and involves all the nations of the world as opposed to the current policy of foreign invasion, 3) it will accept or refuse the current self centered psyche of the nation and its people as evidenced in the nation’s reaction to the destruction of New Orleans and the surrounding Gulf Coast by Katrina last year, 4) It will make or break our destructive use of the environment, 5) It will decide the course of future energy use (oil versus alternative energy sources), 6) it will reject or accept the not to well hidden Bush agenda of increasing protection for the rich and the slow disenfranchisement of the middle class, 7) it will accept or reject the current Bush administration’s arrogant abrogation of the separation of church and state, , 8) it will help to pass verdict on the divisive moral judgment of persons according to their sexuality, and, finally, it may very well decide whether or not this nation resumes a path to growth or continues to follow one of self-destruction.

I realize the eight points made above are ideological. I am biased, and I see the past five and one half years as dangerously wrong headed. The United States under the current administration has been behaving like the proverbial chicken with its head chopped off; charging in circles, retracing its already useless tracks as it spews forth its life blood. Let’s hope it’s not to late to get a really good surgeon to give the chicken a new head, or at least two-thirds of one, that can help to redirect the stump left from the old one. If the electorate fails to exercise its right to change the government in this election as it has in the last two, then I will have lost faith in it, and I suppose, democracy as well, for such a failure will prove that this electorate certainly doesn’t have the wits necessary to choose a government that is able to function constructively in the world on its behalf..


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