Wednesday, April 19, 2006

What happened to the American dream?

We must begin today to fight for a healthier, less divisive national focus

Perhaps I’m a pessimist. No, it’s far worse than that. I’m reconciled to 1006 more days of this administration, and this war. We’ve made our bed and now we must lie in it. So many of us supported this war at its inception four years ago. So many of us re-elected this president for a second term one and one-half years ago. Now there is nothing we can do to wake the sleeper from his fever pitched slumber. Instead, the American people have earned the penalties gathered by Mr. Bush and the Neo-con invasion of the Middle East. Yes, we, each shoulder the penalty imposed on our national conscience for the 3678 Americans who have died so far in this, the wrong war against terrorism. We each share in the responsibility for the 18,000 to 48,000 Iraqis who have died. We share the $3.97 per gallon gas price punishment, and we will all share the penalty incurred by the soaring national debt. Additionally, we, the people will have to pay the piper to clean up the mess after this administration leaves office! No amount of fussing about Secretary Rumsfeld will change the fact that the war was wrong from inception. No amount of staff changes in Mr. Bush’s administration will fix the Neo-con failures and mistakes.

So, Isaac, we must make a conscious decision to return to the American Dream that most Democratic Party members know is at the core of our real shared national values.

There is a laundry list of things that the Democratic Party and all Americans have traditionally valued. We know the list in our hearts, minds, and souls. It includes those basic God given rights obtained for all men and women by our constitution. And, it is based on the understanding that the constitution is the instrument established by our forefathers to achieve those rights for all people. In order to get back to our list of real values we must fight for a healthier, less divisive national focus. We must look toward a spiritual America that includes all religions and spiritual positions, and all Americans. We must each of us work toward achieving a society that encourages growth through education, creativity, and hard work. We must stop choosing groups of people to stigmatize. Suffice it to say that it is necessary for each of us to reafirm actual American and real liberal Christian and family values instead of the false evangelical Christian and family values substituted and increasingly forced upon the American psyche over time. We must do so by fighting for Democratic Party candidates everywhere in November 2006.

We must regain control of Congress and Senate in order to start the nation on a path to recovery from this nightmare of warmongers.


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