Saturday, April 22, 2006

Gasoline Shortages Slam the East Coast!

Yeah, right! And, while we’re at it, why not blame it on the U. S. Energy Department rules that require the removal of an additive that causes water pollution. Then the oil oligarchy can have the Republican Party blame liberal Democratic Party conservationists for the problem.

In actuality, holding tanks in Virginia and Massachusetts aren’t full because the oil producers didn’t start to remove the pollutant soon enough. This way producers can make even more money off the destruction of our middle-class for themselves and their buddies in the Middle East.

Why haven’t this Republican administration, congress, and senate created an “Alternative Energy Plan?” Where is the Democratic Party when we need them? Why hasn’t the Democratic Party stepped up to the plate and formulated a “National Alternative Energy Plan”, and the promise to implement it if the nation replaces the Republican Oil Oligarchy Machine in the November, 2006 elections?

Hello, is anyone home?

Wake up Democratic Party?

* Washington, Reuters, “Gas shortages hit the East Coast.” In CNN Friday, April 21 2006: 8:45AM EDT. Viewed, April 21, 2006: 10:16 AM EDT.


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