Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Mid-term Elections- State of the Union

I cruised the web this morning to check the news. While the BBC had 7 articles about the failing war and civil unrest in Iraq, CNN had 1, and FOX - 3. It would appear that either we are loosing interest in the Iraq war and civil war, or are so embarrassed by it that we do not want to discuss it. Amazingly, Mr. Bush is finally admitting that things aren’t quite right in Iraq, and his government is reorganizing it’s approach there though nothing seems to have changed in actual practice. Really, it’s time to leave. Even Iraqi’s are saying they don’t want us there.* Nothing can save a situation created by the faulty policy of “THE PREEMPTIVE STRIKE.” The very fact of that invasion has already destabalized the Middle East. As I have said over and over again since March of 2003 - this war was faulty and immoral from its inception.

So, his advisors are telling him to change his focus.

Instead of the Iraq war, Mr. Bush’s advisors want him to focus on the economy in an attempt to save the mid-term elections for Republican members of the Senate and Congress. While I hope that no strategy can do so, I don’t put anything past possibility because of our gullible electorate, and Democrats would do well not to expect too much of our people. Remember there’s also that well organized evangelical Christian minority that wants to retain control of the country. While the economy does seem to be doing fine - I caution that one month ago, gas here in Palm Beach County was at $3.00 plus per gallon, and will likely begin a steady climb after the elections are over, the Real Estate market has come to a stand still though few seem willing to admit it, our national debt knows no ceiling, and mortgages have placed a huge portion of our domestic debt in the hands of communist China - not a rosy picture.

I would like to see a Congress and Senate dominated by Democrats not because I am a Democrat. That party has repeatedly dropped the ball on all fronts, and specifically refuses to take a stand concerning the immorality of Republican evangelical Christian prejudices against LGBT people. Rather, I would like to see a Democratic Congress and Senate in order to restore a semblance of the checks and balances put in place by our nations founding fathers. My concerns go deep. Let me count them. First, Mr. Bush and his rascally cohorts have put in place a conservative Supreme Court that will perpetuate all inequities in our system for twenty to thirty years. Second, they have altered the tax system so as to place more money in the hands of the rich and less in the hands of the people. Third, they have allowed the pharmaceuticals to dominate health policy to the detriment of all but the wealthy. Fourth, they have placed control of our economy in the hands of the oil barons by undermining the development of alternative energy sources, and the Clean Air and Water Acts. Fifth, they have fostered a Federally dominated test based educational system to the detriment of achieving actual intellectual success for our children, thus placing the possible development of future innovative technology outside our borders. Sixth, they have fought a war for oil that has destabilized the Middle East and brought the world to the brink of disaster – need I say “WW III.” Seventh, they have purposefully aided and abetted the control of our political processes by a specific brand of Christian church, anathema to the very nature of democracy and to our founding fathers, Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, et al. I have more concerns, but unlucky seven seems a good place to stop.

Let’s all, Democrat and Republican alike, work to put a check on this group of scoundrels by changing the balance of power in Congress and Senate from Republican to Democratic.

* “Poll: Majority of Iraqi Youths Want U.S. to Withdraw, FOXNews.com, http://www.foxnews.com/printer_friendly_story/0,3566,223381,00.html, Associated Press. Viewed Monday, October 23, 2006 at 9:03: AM EDT.

“Iraq Body Count, War dead figures,” BBC News, Middle East. http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/mpapps/pagetools/print/news.bbc.co.uk/2/..., Viewed Published: 2006/09/21 12:59, 12:59:51 GMT, Monday, October 23, 2006 at 9:05 AM EDT.

“Bush Vows to Adapt Iraq tactics,”BBC News, Middle East. http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/mpapps/pagetools/print/news.bbc.co.uk/2/…,
Published: 2006/10/21 18:24:34 GMT, viewed October 23, 2006 at 9:


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