Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Crucified Madonna
So, Madonna is prejudiced against Catholics (?), Jesus Christ (?), the Catholic Church (?), - because she crucified herself (well sort of) during a concert. As a result of the incident which took place during the opening concert of Madonna’s new world tour, “Confessions, ”Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League called her a “pathetic bigot.”

So, let’s turn the whole thing on its head.

Bill Donahue is prejudiced against female pop stars who portray themselves as being crucified because he can’t stand the thought that Jesus Christ may have just died on the cross to save women as well as men, or perhaps to save women from being used by bigoted men in ways that disrespect them. Of course, these are just two of many possibilities, and perhaps Madonna wanted to provide us with a trop for a culture in which women are once again seen increasingly as work horses, and unimportant except as bread winners (something that men seem less and less able to do) and as the bearers of men’s children.

Did Bill think to ask Madonna what she wanted to say metaphorically by standing in for Jesus on the cross? No, of course not. So, who is really pathetic, the worldly pop star, or the entrenched dogmatic practitioner of the Christian Catholic faith?

By the way, Bill. You just crudified Madonna!

I know this is way off the mark of my usual political diatribe. Never the less, I just couldn’t stand by and idly read the stupidity of Donohue’s remarks. You can find more about the incident at "Madonna Draws Ire of Catholic League" at MSNBC.


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