Friday, December 08, 2006

Another leaked Rumsfeld Memo and the Baker Report

Yes, it recommends an altered approach to a failed war.
Will Mr. Bush take any of the advice?

I’m keeping my last entry for another day, since it’s appropriate!

I Pray for Peace
It looks like too little too late - too late for “Rummy,” too late for George W. Bush, too late for the Neocons - too late for The President’s “War on Terror,” to be fixed so that it actually is a strategic policy aimed at protecting the world from terror instead of creating a USA sponsored War of Terror.

I’m so sickened by the entire mess that I have difficulty thinking logically about it. I know that Iraq is in a state of civil war, a divided sectarian state that sponsors murder. I know that we as a nation caused that civil war. I know that it is our responsibility to fix it. I also know that we are unable to do so. God forgive us, and our over-reaching evangelical arrogance. As George W. Bush said immediately before invading Iraq, “I pray for peace.”


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