Friday, December 01, 2006

Bush and al-Maliki both out of tune with reality

I’m curious to see the bipartisan commission on Iraq recommendations next week because I think there will be two ideas they recommend that neither leader will like, each for his own reasons. Of course, after al-Maliki’s meeting with Bush, he announced that he wants his people to start taking over from us by next June. Was that Bush and al-Maliki’s plan or al-Maliki’s I wonder. And, who really thinks the Iraqi’s will be ready to take over next June? Is the Baker Commission going to suggest anything like partial withdrawal by June? In any event, Iraq is in a state of civil war, and we never should have invaded in the first place.

Thanks George!

Denial of Server Attack

H-m-m-m-m-m, is this for real? One Website warning and we go bonkers. On 9/11/01 there was months of warnings and even knowledge of the future attackers, and nothing was done.


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